we're so glad you're here!
perhaps you've been to therapy before or this is your first time reaching out for support.
we understand this is an important step in your mental wellness journey and we're here to connect you with the change you desire.
we are a team of psychotherapists who strongly believe in fostering an open, safe, and trusting relationship with you.
research evidence shows that the strongest predictor for positive change is the therapy relationship.
so, we encourage you to first get a sense of what you want from this experience and then consult with multiple therapists until you "click" with one.
we invite you now to book a free 15 minute phone or video consultation with any one of us
services we offer
e v i d e n c e - b a s e d.      i n c l u s i v e.      t r a u m a - i n f o r m e d.

individual therapy
affordable therapy
couples therapy
clinical supervision